McDonald Funeral Home

McDonald Funeral Home is located at 212 E Main St, Linden Tennessee, 37096 Zip. McDonald Funeral Home provides complete funeral services to Gloster local community and the surrounding areas. To find out more information about and local funeral services that they offer, give them a call at (931) 589-2141.

McDonald Funeral Home

Business Name: McDonald Funeral Home
Address: 212 E Main St
City: Linden
State: Tennessee
ZIP: 37096
Phone number: (931) 589-2141
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McDonald Funeral Home directions to 212 E Main St in Linden Tennessee are shown on the google map above. Its geocodes are 35.616402, -87.836723. Call McDonald Funeral Home for visitation hours, funeral viewing times and services provided.

Business Hours
Monday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Tuesday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Wednesday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Thursday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Friday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Saturday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Sunday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM

McDonald Funeral Home Obituaries

Forsyth funeral home handling Miller arrangements

Zell Miller died on Friday morning at his home in Young Harris, and Forsyth County’s McDonald and Son Funeral Home will be handling arrangements for memorials across the state.Lauren McDonald, with McDonald and Son, said the funeral home would be handling plans since his father, Lauren “Bubba” McDonald Jr., and Miller served in the legislature together. Miller’s body arrived at the funeral home Friday afternoon.“Gov. Miller and my dad served in the legislature [starting in] the early ’70s and, of course, worked alongside each other, many budget conferences, late nights figuring where to spend the taxpayers’ money,” Lauren McDonald said.Miller and Bubba McDonald both ran for governor in 1990, along with Sen. Johnny Isakson.“But, that whole group were really good friends even to the extent he would fly and pick up [Sen.] Johnny Isakson, who was in the race,” Lauren McDonald said. “That whole group of guys stayed very close. After the race and Zell became governor, he appointed Johnny as head of the state school board, and then he also appointed my dad as public service commissioner. It’s a long family relationship that the Miller family wanted Bubba McDonald to take care of Zell.”Lauren McDonald said a service would be held in Young Harris, the state funeral would take place at the Georgia State Capitol and the main service would be held at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church in Atlanta.“They’ve got confirmation that multiple presidents will be attending that service,” he said.Lauren McDonald said he, his staff and members of the Georgia State Patrol had put in “100 hours plus” to plan the services. (Gainesville Times)

Show your sympathy and support during these difficult times with beautiful selection of funeral flowers delivered to McDonald Funeral Home for viewing, visitation of burial service.

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